Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

The Hometown : Bukittinggi

I was born in such a great city.

I was born in Bukittinggi, one of the best city to live in Indonesia.

Many peoples in Indonesia maybe do not know about Bukittinggi although it is mentioned in many history book. Bcoz, who wanna read a history book except the history teacher …? :D

That’s why I wanna tell you about my hometown, Bukittinggi. The reason is not only I wanna introduce you about Bukittinggi, but also I wanna invite you to come there and enjoy it. Believe me, there’s no regret of it. My hometown is a little city. So, you can go around it just by a day. But one day is not enough to describe its beautification. Bukittinggi is located in West Sumatra, and near equator, but unlike the others city that near equator (mostly hot), Bukittinggi is refreshingly cool because of its elevation. Even you can blow a dragon’s breath in the morning. Sometimes, the fog covered Bukittinggi in the morning and if that thing happens, you can go nowhere. That’s the interesting thing about Bukittinggi, because a cool place like Bukittinggi is difficult to find in Indonesia.

I was born in Bukittinggi, one of the most important city that took a part in Indonesia history.
Bukittinggi has a unique culture that combining Moslem doctrine and custom reliance. Both gather together in slogan ''Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah". It means custom reliance supported by Syarak (The law of Islam) and Syarak supported by Quran. It make another face of Moslem and it is beautiful. 

What is the interesting place in Bukittinggi..?
Actually, there are so many interesting place there. But for now, I’ll just tell you one place. The place is Goa Jepang (Japanese Cave), just bcoz the name is like that, doesn’t mean that cave built by Japanese. The cave is originally built by Indonesian (Specifically Minang’s people) in colonial era. The interesting thing is the cave is spread in underground of Bukittinggi city and all of them is connected. Bcoz of that, we can’t build a high building in Bukittinggi bcoz of its soil condition. In other hand, I can assume the underground of Bukittinggi is like an ant’s nest, so fragile. That’s another bad impact of colonialism.

How about the people’s…?
A Smile is the first thing you get when you talk or just say Hi to peoples in Bukittinggi. Warm and kind is the character of the people there, specifically when you want to buy something from them. Yeah, like any others Minang’s people, mostly Bukittinggi people is the merchant, A good merchant with good marketing. That’s the reason why Minang’s Cuisine is famed around the world.

I will tell you another  wonderful thing about my hometown later. So, keep stay tune on my blog guys.

Actually, this post isn't complete, and I promise, I'll complete it later.
So, see ya

2 komentar:

  1. Saling follow sama komen ya gan...
